Home Upgrade Grant Program
Providing holistic support to low-income Kingston homeowners.

How Do I Get a Home Upgrade Grant?
How Do I Get a Home Upgrade Grant?
Are You Eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant?
To qualify, you must:
- Be a Homeowner located in Kingston, NY
- Have a household income at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI)
- Be ready to make improvements in health, safety, and energy efficiency
Not sure if you are eligible? Speak with our team!
Not currently eligible? We hope to expand this program soon to renters, landlords, and new cities — stay in touch!
How Do I know If I Need Home Energy Upgrades?
Audits Complete
Grants Given
Projects Complete
Government Assistance Unlocked
Real People, Real Results
Need More Resources?
If you’re a senior homeowner in need of critical home repairs, RUPCO’s Restore Program offers grants to cover the costs, helping you maintain a safe home. This program is aimed at ensuring senior homeowners can age in place comfortably. To apply, call (845) 331-2140 or visit www.rupco.org/restore.
If you are facing housing instability, Family of Woodstock offers housing placement, emergency shelter, and homeless prevention services for low-income families. They provide critical support to help you secure safe housing. Contact them at (845) 331-7080 or info@familyofwoodstockinc.org for more information.
- For the Many offers support and guidance for renters facing challenges in housing. They offer information on tenant rights, resources for dealing with eviction, and ways to access legal assistance. If you are a renter seeking help and information about your rights and resources, visit https://housingforthemany.
Contractor Partners
Ready to upgrade your home but don’t need a grant? We’ve partnered with trusted local contractors who specialize in home energy upgrades and healthy homes. Explore these local companies to get started on creating a safer, healthier, and more energy-efficient home today!
Energy Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Energy Efficiency
Mold Remediation
General Contractor
Lead Remediation
Heat Pumps
Energy Efficiency
¿Tiene preguntas? Estamos aquí para ayudarle.
¿Tiene alguna pregunta y necesita ayuda? Envíenos una pregunta o póngase en contacto con nosotros en los datos que figuran a continuación:
- Llámenos al 845-383-1050
- Visite la oficina en 280 Wall Street, Suite 379, Kingston, Nueva York 12401 EE.UU.
Consulte nuestros otros programas
Nos dedicamos a apoyar a los más afectados por el aumento de los costes de la energía y los efectos del cambio climático, especialmente a las comunidades más perjudicadas por nuestro actual sistema energético. Mediante la innovación continua, la participación de la comunidad en el diseño de los programas y la defensa de un cambio sostenible, estamos construyendo un futuro más limpio y justo. Explore nuestros otros programas para ver cómo estamos marcando la diferencia.

Consejo Comunitario

Energía Innovación