Home Upgrade Grants
Home Upgrade Grants
We aim to partner with local community organizations, contractors, and eligible homeowners to improve the comfort, health, and utility costs of Kingston homes.
Applications have reopened! Submit your interest by September 30!
Outdated Housing Stock
Many households in the US struggle with inadequate living conditions including poor indoor air quality, high energy bills, and uncomfortable homes, especially in communities of color. The city of Kingston has some of the oldest housing stock in the region, with more than 50% being built before 1939. This creates a never ending list of home upgrades to be completed.
Concerns from the Community
Sometimes homes can become plagued with lead, mold, and asbestos – environmental toxins that are unsafe to be enclosed with. Hudson Valley Air Quality (HVAC) Coalition and Bard College have collected samples and surveyed Kingston residents, ultimately discovering these homes are not healthy or safe.
Homes built before 1978 have a higher chance of containing toxins, creating barriers to accessing available incentives to improve energy efficiency standards. This project aims to address those barriers by partnering with local community organizations, contractors, and homeowners to improve their homes’ comfort, health & safety, and affordability.
Our Solution – The Home Upgrade Grants (HUG) Program
Do you experience any of the following symptoms? You might be a great candidate for our Home Upgrade Grants Program!
Air sealing, insulation, and remediation are all steps that can be taken to improve the comfort, health, and affordability of your home. If selected, participants will receive different levels of remediation depending on the severity of health, safety, and energy needs discovered through a comprehensive home assessment. With the help of local contractors, we will determine the level of home upgrades we can complete for each participant.
MHET is launching the Home Upgrade Grants program in the city of Kingston that will deliver free and immediate improvements to eligible homeowners. This solution will make a difference in people’s lives, while collecting much-needed information to improve and standardize parts of the retrofit process.
If you are interested in participating in this Home Upgrade Grants Program, please complete our interest form using the links below. Have any questions? Feel free to send an email to our Project Manager, Elisabeth Balachova, at homes@mid-hudson.energy.